
Welcome!  I’m so glad that you’re here.

  • I intend to blog three days a week or more – it just depends on how excited I am about what I’m exploring. I’d like to start sharing a sketch-a-day with you. In addition to seeing my daily sketches here, you will find them on Pinterest and Instagram.
  • You can read more about me here.

Q: Can I subscribe to your blog?

A: Yes!  Click on the link below to subscribe to my blog – you will receive my blog via e-mail every time I post. Please note that Feedburner will ask you to confirm your subscription.

Subscribe to My Blog by Email

I am in the process of setting up a monthly newsletter – stay tuned.

Q: Do you teach classes?

A: I do not currently teach any classes because my studio is in flux. In the past, I’ve hosted adult 1 day ceramic jewelry classes and have taught after school clay classes at Denver Public Schools and summer camps at The Art Student’s League of Denver and Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, CO. I love working with kids because they break all the rules!

Q: Do you sell your work?

A: Yes, I currently sell work on Etsy here (made from scratch) and here (upcycled ceramics and digital prints).

You can also find my ceramic work at River North Workshop in the RiNo district of Denver.

I am also a member of the Colorado Potters Guild and we host two sales a year. The next show is on November 3-5, 2016.

Q: Are you on Social Media?

A: Yes (I’m an Instagram and Pinterest junkie), check the icon links to my accounts located on the top and bottom of my website. Don’t be surprised if I follow you back – I feel strongly about interacting with others and think that it strengthens our creative community.


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